rue de Vaugirard Paris
Each person in this group has a completely different look...but together they have the most
street swag I've ever seen from one team. Rightfully so, you might think that the two on the left have a relative similar style going on, but that's just because they're both in all black. She looks like she just stepped out of the 20's while he could be walking down a modern day runway with that well tailored coat and skinny tie.
Then we have the two on the right who really show their true colors, and lots of them. First I want to know where I can get a jacket like that because that thing is great, check out those pockets in front. Her high-tops bring in a completely different color pattern but somehow it all flows. And to top it all off we have a simple yet elegant guy on the right who demonstrates very well our love for
rockin' the roll.
Cheers team...and so long for now. Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys sometime soon.