Friday, August 5, 2011
Turn Around Please!
La Pinte, carrefour de l'Odéon
So the first thing a lot of you are going to think may be this: "Nick took some creepy picture of a woman from behind without her knowing". Not the case...I promise. I noticed this great denim onesie from across the street and then approached her to explain the concept of BLEUDENIM. The only response, you can take a picture from behind. Consequently, you cannot see the button-down upper half, which I thought really added some unique detail. Let's be honest though, it's just as great a look from behind as well.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Jeans in the Jardin
Jardin du Luxembourg Paris FRANCE
Yes ladies and gentleman, that is a denim coat (not just your plan old denim jacket) that you see. This lovely piece comes equipped with a hood, and even better (which you cannot see) has toggle clasps in the front. Glad to see her rockin' the roll while rockin' out to some jams as well.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Are We There Yet?
Jardin du Luxembourg Paris FRANCE
Even on vacation in Paris you can tell that kids still get that "are we there yet" feeling. Mom the other hand, is as laid back as ever in what looks to be one of the most free-flowing outfits possible. The boots are chunky, but you can see some sweet flair on the sides. And yes, that is not a skirt but rather some super baggy pants and the top...well, you get the point.
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Right Foot Forward
I managed to snap this before it really came pouring down.
The blonde plays with some chunky shape and has a cool bag. The brunette rocks the drapy look with an olive frame over her black bod. The dude has some signature style and he totally caught me. Oops.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Team Swag
rue de Vaugirard Paris
Each person in this group has a completely different look...but together they have the most street swag I've ever seen from one team. Rightfully so, you might think that the two on the left have a relative similar style going on, but that's just because they're both in all black. She looks like she just stepped out of the 20's while he could be walking down a modern day runway with that well tailored coat and skinny tie.
Then we have the two on the right who really show their true colors, and lots of them. First I want to know where I can get a jacket like that because that thing is great, check out those pockets in front. Her high-tops bring in a completely different color pattern but somehow it all flows. And to top it all off we have a simple yet elegant guy on the right who demonstrates very well our love for rockin' the roll.
Cheers team...and so long for now. Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys sometime soon.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Worn Down Denim
These sandals have been making their way onto the streets of Paris recently. We've been seeing brown and black leather, cool summery shades, and now we can add denim to the list. Looks like the wear and tear on these ones might mean it's time for a new pair.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Not Just For Walking
Easy style and pure comfort seem to go hand in hand. This denim dress has the accents to catch your eye, but the concept of the dress is very basic. The boots, the details speak for themselves. These boots were made for more than just watching...they're eye catching too.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Laced Up and Ready For Action
So there might not be any denim in this image...but everything else seems to do the picture justice.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A Denim Duo
rue du Renard, Paris FRANCE
These two were just strolling along strutting their swag. Denim from head to toe...that's what we like to see. Nothing crazy special about the fit or the design but it's classic and comfortable, and that's what we like most.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Green Monsters
rue Saint-Honoré Paris, France
This picture may be a little cluttered... but you know why we took it. Lime green chucks... yes please. Rockin' the roll round three... yes please. Striped socks to top it off... baby don't stop!
-Slick and Clarence
Monday, July 18, 2011
Rock Star Denim
rue Saint-Honoré Paris, France
Shorts Available at Denimology |
While taking this picture we weren't sure if the lady misunderstood us because she did not speak French, or because her dog was acting up a storm. Regardless, we got the pup to chill out for just a few seconds while we snapped a shot of this awesome detail.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Broken In
Paris, France
@shoobadooh |
We all have that favorite pair of shoes that we just can't get rid of, no matter how many holes and scuffs are breaking them apart. These lace-ups are a bit dessert boot inspired but seem like a perfect fit for someone with clashing socks. The pair of super skinny jeans seem comfortable and have that hug your body kind of feel these shoes have been offering for some time. How much longer will the kicks hold up?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Caught Looking
Paris, France
- Nick
Friday, June 10, 2011
Different Jorts For Different Cohorts
Between Paris and Venice we have been seeing a lot of jorts lately. There's something so classically simple about the jean shorts incorporates comfortable denim with that inner swag we all have hidden somewhere deep down. They certainly are not an easy look to pull off, but done correctly you can really stand out with your denim hot pants.
Different strokes...
...for different folks!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Honeymooners
I've always thought Venice would be a great place to honeymoon, don't you think?
Looking comfortable and stylish, with suspenders for suspense and a see-through top for clarity.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Nods from Nottingham
Denim, denim everywhere... Where to begin?
Of course the first detail that caught my eye was his earrings and hipster hat. I used to rock a beanie like that for a while, so I respected his Burgundy-colored choice.
The dude's tattoos are very cool, and his pairing of bleu and noir denim is the best kind I know. He adds a French touch with the St. James stripes. She certainly follows this francophile spirit, taking part in the jorts/stockings trend we've seen so much of in Paris this year. She, however, picked a high waisted pair and a chunky belt to boot. And doesn't she just look cute the way her soft-looking top is tucked in with the boyfriend shirt hanging out?
Loafers galore to finish us off. Sick kicks!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Hard to Look Past
The look, perfect. The beauty, even better.
We liked the roll on this girl's jorts and the way her tee billowed over them as she walked. The studs on her bag didn't poke us the wrong way either.
Talk about casual elegance.
-Slick and Clarence
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Little Kiss For The Camera
So you may be wondering where Slick and Clarence have disappeared to recently...if you did, it means you're a faithful reader and we appreciate your patience. But we're back, and we're ready to start fresh this summer with both of us here in Europe. From the pictures taken on a recent trip to Venice, I can already tell that we're in for a good summer. The laid back way of life in most cities on this side of the pond translates to comfortable swag, displayed in outfits like this one.
The outfit itself might not seem like it took that much time to pull together, but one cannot overlook the attention to detail this lovely Italian has for her accessories. What I found most appealing in this look was how well the brown and turquoise and denim all seem to accent each other...that and the endearing bises she seems to be giving the camera. With warm summer weather clearly on its way; throw on your pair of comfortable jeans with a light sweater to match and you're good to go.
Monday, May 16, 2011
A Trip Down East Carson
2222 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203 While visiting a friend last weekend at Duquesne University, I had the pleasure of meeting Scotty over at Pittsburgh Jeans Company where you can find the right pair of jeans no matter your size, cut, or style. They even had a pair of Levi's on display...waist size 60! Since the early 1900's, the Scott family and this denim destination, has been providing Pittsburgh with the finest jeans they can find from around the world. From LA to Italy and all the way to Japan, they're willing to travel anywhere to seek out the best products possible.
A third generation Scott, teaching Allie and me a bit about the best denim stitching |
What was best about the opportunity to visit Scotty and his shop was gaining some inspiration and ideas that can be used during the creation of our BLEUDENIM store in Paris. Between the second story bar, abundance of jean options, and a passion for denim; we know that BLEUDENIM and the Pittsburgh Jeans Company will have quite a bit in common.
Check out more images from our trip to the Pittsburgh Jeans Company...
Monday, May 2, 2011
A Perfect Day For Denim
Saut Hermès au Grand Palais Paris
This is a great example of denim done well...with the right amount of detail mixed in. While the jeans are a bit baggy they seem to fit this guy just the way he likes them. Even with denim on top, this look can't be thrown in the same category with all of those other Canadian tuxedo chumps...with his Italian originality this look inspires us to feel comfortable in the jeans we're in.
Photo courtesy of Guy Bloch-Champfort |
You might be wondering what details I'm talking about...first there's that chunky scarf and the over-sized flower that can't be missed. More noteworthy is the roll he adds at the bottom of his jeans that falls over his shoes with style. And while the abundance of jeans might not seem like a "detail", his eye for picking out denim that works well together is spot on.
Photo courtesy of Guy Bloch-Champfort |
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Well hello everyone! It's been a holiday season recently, and in that spirit we decided to give you a gift. Here without further ado is a little something we baked up for our 100th post!
Full interview, YouTube versions, and more after the jump!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Pink Panther
Look at that casual elegance. The kind of confidence this conveys can't be beat.
The pink pants tell us he's a bit of a dandy, the rolled up sleeves tell us he's ready to get down to business, and the rolled up cuffs of his pants simply tell us he rolls up.
Best part of this whole thing is that I'm writing this wearing purple pants and white bucks. To be frank I'd wear the loafers above if I could.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Creation Station
473 - 475 Broadway, SoHo, NYC
I respected Mathieu immediately because he was able to overtly rock some G-status and not look like a nincompoop. In fact, he looked quite the opposite because there was so much style in the rest of his outfit to focus on.
The quilted sneaks, the colored cords, and the pairing of outerwear came together in a very impressive ensemble. When we started BLEUDENIM we talked a lot about effortless style; between the muted colors with bright highlights and the sweater slung over his shoulder, Mathieu exemplified this. And while he follows style "best practices" by color-coordinating his jacket and shoes, he is a veritable walking talking creation station.
Just look at that smirk. He knows he's got the Scoop.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Blacks and Blues
So we finally spotted them, jorts...and what a cool contrast this pair makes on a black slate. Too often girls layer on a pair of spandex and forget to add some color or style over them, but not this champ. Most of us have extra jeans lying around, why not try a DIY project and make your own jorts.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Denim On Deck
Denim boat shoes might not be the most practical footwear the next time you step onto your Hobie...but if you're just looking for some comfortable and jean-inspired footwear then these Sperry Top-Sider options might be for you.
-Slick and Clarence
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Up On The Rooftop
The rooftop of the Fondation Cartier seems to offer everything we need...denim and a great view of the city. This look is really simple without much baggage but the color pattern adds a good amount of pop. Brown and blue are tied well together from head to toe, all the way down to those lizard skin heels.
We have to be honest in saying that the ripped look is not something that BLEUDENIM strives for, we like jeans for what they are and like to see them whole...not with holes. What makes this pair a little bit different is the rolled cuffs she added. Luckily we're denim guys here and respect jeans no matter how much they've been tortured.
Photos courtesy of Guy Bloch-Champfort |
Monday, April 4, 2011
Lifted and Gifted
Miami, FL Bayfront Bicentennial Park
Ultra Music Festival didn't provide much in the way of bleudenim, but I managed to snag y'all this pic.

The practicality of the leather pieces can't be denied in a park with 100000 people. Neither can the sunglasses or the fact that this broad's got some nice legs. Just hope she's as practical with her iPhone- unless she's got a privacy screen that girl to her left is definitely checking out her girlfriend's naked pictures.
The shirt was lightweight and comfortable, and looked soft.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Smashin' Fashion
Park Manor South
Babo's back baby! We started BLEUDENIM simply taking pictures around our campus, but many of our recent posts have been taken on trips to New York and Paris. We're happy to say that we found a gem on campus today to share.
The leather bag matched with the shoes is decidedly dapper and the unstructured blazer, cardigan and scarves seem like soft and snuggly ways to chill bones on a brisk day. Look past the effortless look so you don't miss the attention to detail in his earring and under-collar.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Night At The Theatre
Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
To some extent these two outfits are relatively similar, while each offering their fair share of unique style. The jeans have a rather similar wash and up top there is a mixture of dark coats and chunky scarves. Messenger bags over each of their shoulders like matching school children. It seems like maybe only the shoes are different...but at the same time they each sport a distinct look. What's even better is that they were only feet away from a pair of skinny fit chaps who were rocking a completely different look.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sharing Straps
The matching this couple had going on was really cool...if only they weren't too fast for me to get some photos of the front. An extra pair of suspenders on her might have been over the top, but the black on top bleudenim on the bottom with a chunky of pair of kicks is a really cool look. Plus, you have to respect that they each carry a wallet chain and each seem to rock the skinny fit pretty well.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Skinny Fit
Théatre des Champs-Elysées
Each of these gentleman have a perfectly tailored slim fit look going on. The right tailor can make your pants look more like a second layer of skin, and you should always feel good in the skin you're in.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
On The Lookout
École des Beaux-Arts
This guy seems to have that perfect amount of inner swag. The moccasins prove that comfortable footwear should always be unisex. Skinny jeans for comfort and mobility. And most importantly the Moleskine to keep that idea generation flowing.
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